Speeders caught on camera in Warkworth

Coun Jeff Watson with one of the camera vans.Coun Jeff Watson with one of the camera vans.
Coun Jeff Watson with one of the camera vans.
Drivers passing through Warkworth are being warned to keep their speed in check.

Northumbria Police are stepping up their camera enforcement efforts due to continued excessive speeding through the village.

In one of its first deployments on Beal Bank the cameras caught 61 speeders in just over three hours.

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The camera in the van captures high definition video of traffic travelling both north and south and can capture vehicles from 20 metres up to 1km away. It can detect speeding drivers, seat belt offences and anti-social driving such as those disposing of litter or using mobile phones behind the wheel.

The speed camera enforcement van had been deployed to the area by Northumbria Police in response to safety concerns from local residents and councillors about the high volume of fast moving traffic passing through the rural village.

Coun Jeff Watson, local county councillor, said: “Myself and the parish council have been working for years to try and reduce speeding in and out of the village.

“It’s been shown in the past that speed cameras can be one of the most effective ways of achieving this and it’s already helping slow down traffic in Warkworth.

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“Reducing the speed of vehicles will greatly reduce the risk and severity of any potential accidents and make Warkworth a safer place for everyone.”

One of the officers from Northumbria Police’s Camera Enforcement Unit said: “The prevalence and consistency of excessively high speeds through this residential area is unacceptable.

“It is hoped that the inclusion of the van in this area will make drivers think twice about speeding.”