More than 40 original Lady Waterford paintings donated to Northumberland venue

One of the Lady Waterford paintings which has been donated.One of the Lady Waterford paintings which has been donated.
One of the Lady Waterford paintings which has been donated.
A large collection of over 40 original Lady Waterford paintings and sketches has been generously donated to Lady Waterford Hall, in Ford village.

Some of these stunning pieces have never been on public display before but all will be revealed at a private view next month.

The collection was built up by Peter Stickley and Stewart Hamilton over the course of 50 years.

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Mr Stickley first saw an example of Lady Waterford’s paintings at Highcliffe church in Dorset, where he sung as a choirboy. Thus, his love affair with her work began and in 1985 he acquired his first piece by Lady Waterford.

The Stickley Hamilton Collection was carefully developed over the years, but it was deemed time to find it an appropriate home where it could be enjoyed by the public.

Lady Louisa Waterford was a Pre-Raphaelite artist and philanthropist, who associated with the famous names of the Pre-Raphaelite movement; Ruskin, Rossetti and Holman-Hunt.

She was an artist of some repute, and the Royal Collection is home to some of her paintings.

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Lady Waterford (1818-1891) made Ford Castle her home after the death of her husband, Henry Beresford, 3rd Marquis of Waterford in 1859.

She devoted her time to improving the lot of her tenants, financing the construction of Ford village as it can be seen today, building housing and a school to educate children.

Renamed Lady Waterford Hall after the closure of the school in 1957, a charitable trust was set up to safeguard this important artwork and building, and it was opened to the public.

Vicky Smith-Lacey, curator at Ford & Etal Estates, said: “This is an exciting acquisition, effectively doubling our collection here at Lady Waterford Hall.

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"I feel proud and privileged to be entrusted with the care of such a generous donation. We hope that as many people as possible come to discover these stunning works of art.”

Tickets for the private view on Thursday, September 9, at 7pm, cost £10 and can be obtained via:

Drinks and canapés will be served and the donor, Mr Hamilton will present two more paintings.

All proceeds from the evening will go toward supporting the upkeep of Lady Waterford Hall.

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